
Yoga Nidra With Julie – Guided Meditation Albums

Do you find it difficult to sit in silence, in meditation? Yoga-Nidra-Album

Yoga Nidra is a form of guided meditation and is an excellent way to help keep the mind focused on the present moment.

You can use the Yoga Nidra techniques on your own, or in addition to the practice of sitting in the quiet of silent meditation.

Click HERE for Julie’s Meditation Recordings

Yogaressa-spotify-yoga-nidra  YouTube-yogaressa Apple-Music-yogaressa

Insight-timer-yoga-nidra-yogaressa  amazon-yoga-nidra-cd

CALM — relieve stress and connect with a sense of inner peace through Yoga Nidra meditation

PURPOSE — bring more meaning and focused intention into your life through Yoga Nidra meditation

FLOAT and RELAX — Yoga Nidra meditation to add to the bliss of a floatation tank

It’s tremendously rewarding and inspiring for me to receive feedback on how these albums have brought ease and clarity to so many people. Thank you for letting me be a small part of that. — Julie.

Enjoy some of Julie’s meditation recordings on leading meditation app, Insight Timer — voted “Happiest App in the world”.    See 10-day course — Yoga Nidra: Your Sleep Solution

How to “do” Yoga Nidra

The practice of Yoga Nidra is typically done lying on your back, making sure you feel comfortable, with the support of cushions or blankets, as needed. You may also be seated in a chair, if this is more comfortable for you.

Think of how you typically feel during those moments just before you fall asleep, not quite awake and yet not quite sleeping. The state of Yoga Nidra feels similar, as you remain awake and calm and listen to the guided meditation on these albums.

You’ll hear verbal cues to become aware of different parts of your body, to imagine sensations within your body and to visualize images. These techniques, coupled with breathing awareness, prepare your mind to be receptive to hearing and accepting positive statements of your choice.

In this relaxed, aware setting, you will silently state your intention (or sankalpa, in Sanskrit) of how you would like your life to be — a calm and peaceful mind, good health, confidence and success, patience, a change in your relationships — choose a life-enriching, long-term intention that steers you towards fulfilling your highest purpose. This is how Yoga Nidra can truly become a gateway to transformation.

The Yoga Nidra meditation albums include breathing and visualization methods to create inner harmony. The techniques promote deep rest in the body, and encourage personal transformation through the use of affirmations. Click here to hear recording samples.

Yoga Nidra is accessible and beneficial to beginners as well as experienced practitioners — all you need is to lie down and listen to the guided meditation.Yoga-Nidra-CD-yogaressa

More about this ancient and effective meditation practice: Yoga Nidra article.

Remember CDs? I’m nostalgic about the CD cover for my CALM Yoga Nidra album, with photos of the monarch butterfly I watched emerging from its chrysalis in our garden.

Three minutes of witnessing the magic of nature unfold in front of me. Incredible. Yoga Nidra can lead to great personal transformation, and I chose these photos as the caterpillar/butterfly is one of the most powerful and mysterious examples of transformation.


Benefits of Yoga Nidra:

  • Increased vitality
  • Reduced stress
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Enhanced concentration
  • Clearing negative thoughts and beliefs
  • Changing destructive habits
  • Emotional and physical healing
  • Encouraging love and compassion for self and for others

Give your mind a break from its constant internal dialogue, jumping from one thought to the next. Ease the restless mind, reduce stress and experience improved sleep. Feel empowered to make your dreams and aspirations a reality.

I wish you insight, clarity, and purpose, through the practice of Yoga Nidra meditation.